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Saturday, September 09, 2006

has it ever happened to you?

Well, seems I love that word 'well'. Anyway, how did I do it? Let me ask a question: Have you ever done something that you wish you could undo? Something that happened and you were like, "Oh my God! I didn't mean it to happen like this". Something that you know will definitely be misunderstood, by onlookers or the party (ies) involved but there was no rewinding time?
Well that was what happened.
I kept telling this guy that even if it would hurt me, if I didn't feel I was the right wife for him, I was not going to date him, only for this to happen:
I'm chatting with him, and another friend, Martha. I havent called my friend in a long long while, and we hadn't met online for longer still, so she was escastic to hear from me. After all the 'You!'s and 'How could you abandon me like that?'s, we got down to business - see I am a shrink, well, sort of, so I get people asking me what I think and stuff.All the time - even when I don't figure how I seem to be the person to talk to. So there I was chatting up with my paddy and trying to understand the scenario, and on the other hand, asking him how the day was, when I get a call from my Mum.

Being in the vicinity, and knowing I'd miss my free ride home if I delayed too long, I began saying goodbye to Martha and to him. Martha was screaming for my 'blood' cos I got her started and I was running away, so I do what I always did to calm her down - I start telling her 'I love her' no matter the distance and blah blah blah.

In the midst of it I type 'I love you' to him instead.

Then I type 'ouch'.

He just froze. Didn't type anything. I buzzed him, twice, and all he replied with was, 'I'm still here'.

He usually calls in the night - around 1.00 a.m. but he didn't that night. I waited and waited. The next morning I sent him a text explaining the whole situation. THE TRUTH. He replied later in the day, saying he had been wondering what happened, that I sent him that. But he didn't say anything besides that, which, to me sounded like he didn't believe me, but was waiting for the real story.
By Wednesday, I just gave up - when he called in the night, I told him both sides were true - I meant to type that to Martha, and I love him.


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